Use multiple log parsing tools to ensure your data is processed and parsed correctly


Parsing is key to efficient log analysis and visualization. Logz.io provides a suite of parsing capabilities that help you enhance your data and gain full control on how it is displayed.

Built-in, automatic parsing for common log types

Store this data in dedicated accounts for longer retention

Automate the process with customized aggregation rules

Let us do the heavy work for you

Instead of manually configuring how your data is to be parsed, built-in support for common log types automatically parses the data for you. Automatically parse Apache, Nginx, IIS, AWS, MySQL, MongoDB, Jenkins, HAProxy, Nagios logs.

Make your data your own

Shipping application logs? Applied changes to your logs? Want to customize field mapping? Logz.io provides multiple ways to manually massage the parsing of your data. Easy-to-use wizards will help you define and test your own parsing configurations.

Ring the bell! Notify your team

Decide who to notify. Send the alert out as an email or use pre-configured integrations with popular messaging and incident management platforms, such as Slack, PagerDuty, and more. Or, define your own endpoint using webhook URLs.